I. Course Offerings
II. Degree Requirements
III. Research Activities
IV. Finance and Fees
V. Members of the Program CommitteeI. Course Offerings
Students coming to Bonn for their preliminary year will normally be enrolled in the courses of the Bonn Graduate School of Economics. Founded in the Fall of 1998, the School offers a full set of courses on microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, as well as applied econometrics. Basic courses in each of these fields are taught during the Winter term. During the Summer term, the program includes advanced-level courses on specialised topics such as international macroeconomics, labour economics, auction theory and contract theory. It also includes a seminar on research strategy, and compact courses, some of which are taught by visiting professors.
During 2002/2003, the following graduate courses were offered to the students of the Bonn Graduate School of Economics (a similar program will be offered in the years to come):Winter Term:
- Microeconomic Theory
(Prof. Nöldeke, Oechssler and Schweizer)- Macroeconomic Theory
(Prof. von Hagen)- Applied Econometrics
(Prof. Zimmermann, Dr. Voicu)- Research Seminar
(All Graduate School of Economics Faculty)- Workshop
(All Graduate School of Economics faculty)Summer Term:
- Time Series Econometrics
(Prof. S. Mittnik, Kiel)- Search, Information, and Pricing on the Internet
(Prof. Michael Roy Baye, Indiana University)- An Introduction to Continuous Finance
(Prof. Rüdiger Frey, Leipzig)- Public Education Policy
(Prof. Gerhard Glomm, Indiana University)- Topics in Econometrics and Monetary Macroeconomics
(Prof. Masao Ogaki, Ohio State University)- Topics in Applied Microeconometrics
(Prof. Belzil, IZA)- Reputations
(Prof. George Mailath, University of Pennsylvania)- Advanced Economics of Migration
( Prof. Oded Stark, University of Oslo)- The Search-Theoretic Approach to Monetary Economics
(Prof. Camera)- Evolutionary Game Theory
(Karl Schlag, EUI)- General Equilibrium Theory
(Prof. Werner Hildenbrand)- Advanced Mechanism Design
(Prof. Benny Moldovanu)- Financial Derivatives and Life and Pension Insurance
(Prof. Klaus Sandmann)- Graduate International Macroeconomics
(Prof. J. von Hagen, Bonn)- Seminar on Research Strategy
(Professors von Hagen, Nöldeke, Oechssler, Puppe, Schweizer, Sondermann)- Research Seminar
(All Graduate School of Economics Faculty)- Workshop
(All Graduate School of Economics Faculty)Students coming to Bonn are also given the opportunity to enroll in courses which are offered by the Economics Department and which lead to the degree Diplom-Volkswirt. These courses cover the following subjects:
1. Preliminary Level Courses
Ökonometrische Analyse von Finanzmarkdaten (Breitung), 2 Std.
Probleme der angewandten Ökonometrie, (Breitung) 4 Std.
3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde
Theorie der öffentlichen Einnahmen (Gyárfás) 3 Std.
Umweltökonomie II (Gyárfás) 2 Std.
Betriebliche Lohntheorien (Kräkel) 3 Std.
Heiratsmärkte (Moldovanu) 3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde
Konjunkturpolitik (Neumann) 3 Std.
Inflationstheorie (Neumann) 2 Std.
3 Std. + 2 Übungsstunden
Einführung in die Optionsbewertung (Sandmann) 3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde
Versicherungsrisiken (Sandmann) 3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde
Probability Theory (Schürger) 3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde
Wettbewerbspolitik (Schweizer) 4 Std.
Spieltheorie (Shaked) 3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde2. Advanced Level Courses
Public Enterprise Economics and Privatisation (Bös) 2 Std.
Public Expenditures (Bös) 3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde
Dynamic systems (Breitung), 3 Std.
Microeconometrics (Breitung) 2 Std.
Environmental Economics II (Gyárfás) 2 Std.
Advanced Mechansim Design (Moldovanu) 3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde
An Introduction to Stochastic Integration (Schürger) 3 Std.
Nonparametric Statistical Methods (Schürger) 3 Std.
Probability Theory (Schürger) 3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde
Stochastic Processes (incl. Markov Chains, Martingale Theory, Optimal Stopping) (Schürger) 3 Std.
Contract Theory (Schweizer) 4 Std.
Political Economy and Social Choice (Schweizer) 4 Std.
Advanced Game Theory (Shaked) 3 Std. + classes
Mathematical Statistics (Sondermann, Schürger) 3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde
Time Series Analysis (Sondermann, Schürger) 3 Std. + 1 Übungsstunde
Mathematical Risk Theory (Sondermann, Schürger) 3 Std. + 1 ÜbungsstundeHighly qualified students with a German Diploma or a foreign Masters Degree in economics or related fields, such as mathematics, statistics, business administration, accounting and finance, are encouraged to submit their applications to the Bonn Graduate School of Economics at the following address:
Prof. Urs Schweizer
Department of Economics
University of Bonn
Adenauerallee 24
D-53113 Bonn, GermanyApplications must arrive by May 15 for entry into the program starting the following October. The application must include:
- the application form (downloadable from http://www.bgse.uni-bonn.de),
- the acknowledgement of receipt, completed with the applicant's address,
- a short curriculum vitae,
- academic transcripts,
- two confidential letters of recommendation from academic teachers.
This material cannot be returned to the applicant.
The Department of Economics is part of the Faculty of Law and Economics at the University of Bonn. Its faculty consists of 18 full professors and numerous lecturers and assistants. More than 2000 students are currently enrolled in its courses. The Departments outstanding research program has been aided by large grants from the German National Science Foundation (DFG), specifically from the Sonderforschungsbereich program (Economic Forecasting, Decision and Equilibrium Models, chairperson 1970-1984: Prof. Dr. W. Krelle; SFB 303: Information and the Coordination of Economic Activities, chairperson 1985-1999: Prof. Dr. W. Hildenbrand).
The Departments research has gained high regard in the national and international scientific community and is in the forefront of modern economic science. In 1994, Professor Reinhard Selten of the Department was awarded the Nobel Prize for fundamental discoveries that led to the expansion of game theory into many branches of economics.
The research program as designed for doctoral students of the Bonn Graduate School of Economics covers the following subjects (among others):
- auctions and market design
- contract theory and incomplete contracts
- economic theory of organisations
- market microstructure
- econometric analysis of financial data
- theory and stochastics of financial markets
- options, futures and financial derivatives
- credit risk and credit risk derivatives
- term structure of interest rates
- risk management
- equity linked life and pension insurance
- public expenditures and tax systems
- social choice theory
- mobility in social networks
- welfare state and labour market
- political economy
- international macroeconomics
- international competition of institutional arrangements
- economic growth
- aggregation
- statistical analysis of time series and panel data
Except for a contribution to the social services provided by the university (about 100 EUR per semester, including a seasonal ticket on local public transportation), there are no fees at the Universität Bonn.
There are good chances that a foreign student on the European Doctoral Program can obtain fellowships from DAAD or Humboldt Foundation. Moreover, a limited number of grants for highly qualified students are available directly from the Bonn Graduate School of Economics.
V. Members of the Program Committee
Jörg Breitung
Professor of EconometricsJörg Budde
Professor of Business AdministrationArmin Falk
Professor of EconomicsMonika Merz
Professor of EconomicsJürgen von Hagen
Professor of Economics, Director of the Center for European Integration Studies,Werner Hildenbrand
Professor Emeritus of EconomicsMatthias Kräkel
Professor of Business AdministrationBenny Moldovanu
Professor of EconomicsManfred J.M. Neumann
Professor of EconomicsGeorg Nöldeke
Professor of EconomicsFrank Riedel
Professor of EconomicsKlaus Sandmann
Professor of Business AdministrationPeter Schönfeld
Professor Emeritus of EconometricsKlaus Schürger
Professor of StatisticsUrs Schweizer
Professor of EconomicsReinhard Selten
Professor Emeritus of Economics
Avner Shaked
Professor of EconomicsDieter Sondermann
Professor Emeritus of EconomicsErik Theissen
Professor of Business AdministrationKlaus F. Zimmermann
Professor of Economics