Meet some EDP-Alumni

Tilman Borgers, PhD in 1987
"The European Doctoral Program opened up the door for me to a world of rigorous thinking about economic and social issues. This has made a huge difference to my life. When I joined in Bonn, we were just a small group of students. But our professors' and my fellow students' commitment to thinking deeply and carefully, and everyone's generosity with their time, have always remained with me as a model of an academic community."
Tilman Borgers, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Michigan, 611 Tappan Street, 337 Lorch Hall, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, U.S.A., Tel.: (734) 764 8022

Tito CORDELLA, PhD in 1993
"Sometimes ago, Jean Gabszewicz asked me whether I was interested in enrolling in the EDP. Without thinking too much, I answered: Sure, if you accept to be my supervisor. That was the smartest decision I took in my professional life. My EDP journey then started: one year in Paris, and then back to Louvain, at CORE: a really unique environment where to write a dissertation and learn from graduate students as much as from well-known scholars. My thesis was in international trade, so before defending it I was encouraged to spend a couple of months in Tel-Aviv University (an EDP partner) to seek Helhanan Helpman's advice. After graduating, I moved to Pompeu Fabra, which later also joined the EDP. Having experienced the best Europe can offer, I then decided to cross the Atlantic to work in international financial organizations: a very different environment, with somehow different priorities. However, the intellectual discipline I got from the EDP turned out to be critical to succeed there without compromising with the basic principles I learned in my graduate studies: intellectual rigor. Such a debt is bigger than the Italian one."
Tito Cordella, The World Bank, 1818 H Street NW, Washington D.C. 20433, U.S.A. , Tel. +1 202 458 4707

Pierre DEHEZ, PhD in 1980
"I use to say that I have been the first "flying EDP prototype" (and I am proud of it). I started my PhD at CORE in 1975 under the supervision of Werner Hildenbrand, at the time he was moving to Bonn. It was also at the time that EDP was founded. I then fitted naturally into the EDP scheme. I have indeed spent long periods of time at the University of Bonn, before eventually defending my thesis in Louvain, with Jacques Drèze as co-supervisor. I have benefited from exceptional working conditions, both in Louvain and Bonn, where I had the chance to meet leaders in mathematical economics. After having held positions in different universities I eventually came back to Louvain in 1992."
Pierre Dehez, Professor, CORE, Université catholique de Louvain, 34 Voie du Roman Pays, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, Tel. +32 10 474321

Klaus Schmidt, PhD in 1991
"The EDP is a springboard for economic research at an internationally competitive level. I benefited very
much from the intensive research atmosphere, the permanent challenge by my class mates and teachers, and the year I spent abroad at the London School of Economics. It is in large part due to the EDP and the pioneering work of the department in Bonn that economics in Germany is back on the international map."
Dr. Klaus M. Schmidt, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Munich, Ludwigstrasse 28/08 (Rgb), D-80539 München, Germany, Tel. +49 89 2180 2250

Philippe Jehiel, PhD in 1992
"The year I spent in Bonn as part of the EDP programme (my home institution was EHESS) has played an essential role in shaping my taste in economics and game theory. The idea of getting exposed to several communities and several lines of thought during the PhD strikes me as the essence of the EDP programme and I still feel now that I have benefited a lot from it."
Philippe Jehiel, Professor, Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques (CERAS) and University College London, 48 Boulevard Jourdan, F-75014 Paris, France, Tel: 33-1-43136386, Fax: 33-1-43136382

Gilles Duranton, PhD in 1996
"The EDP offers an astounding breadth of courses and research capabilities. This yields a unique combination of intellectual diversity and top-level quality with no match anywhere in the world. Thanks to the annual Jamboree, PhD students and faculty can meet regularly allowing the EDP to retain its distinct flavour. The flexibility of the EDP also needs to be praised. Each of the components of the EDP has a very strong research identity and the easy mobility between places allows PhD students to find the best match for them. Starting from Paris, my stay abroad was supposed to be for one year at the LSE. I ended up staying there for more than 10 years! My career would have certainly looked very different without the EDP."
Gilles Duranton, Department of Economics, University of Toronto, 150 Saint George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 3G7, Tel. +1-416-978-2678, Fax +1-416-978-6713

Anke Kessler, PhD in 1996
"As a participant of the EDP, I enjoyed high-quality course offerings and the program's international focus. What impressed me most, though, was the emphasis on creativity and intellectual excellence which cannot be found in many other places. All this in an environment where a passionate peer group made it fun spending long hours over the books. Many of my classmates will be friends for life. I highly praise the EDP for what it is: the premier European doctoral program in Economics."
Anke S Kessler, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada, Tel: + 1-604-291-3443, Fax: +1-604-291-5944

Burkhard Schipper, PhD in 2003
"The Bonn Graduate School of Economics provides the most comfortable, stimulating and productive research environment for a PhD student. The EDP allowed me to complement it with a year at one of the most active departments in economic theory, Tel Aviv University. This powerful combination was the key to developing my research as well as my academic career. If today I had the choice between the EDP and any top 10 US economics department, I would choose the EDP again."
Burkhard C. Schipper, Assistant Professor, University of California, Davis, Department of Economics, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA, Tel: +1-530-752 6142, Fax: +1-530-752 9382